Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I don't want to walk away

And I'm not going to.

And I don't like to delve into the personal details of my life, although it may get me more hits if I do that. People LOVE to listen to drama. I just think it feeds into a negative cyclical pattern of behavior.

i.e., GOSSIP = BAD

Theatre....was intense today. Difficult, but intense. We added in a Shakespearian sonnet. Each person took a different line and memorized it, and then conveyed it in the same grid formation that I described before, through gesture and touch and emotion. I had many problems with self awareness. I kept on getting stuck in the words and the "correct" interpretation. I always want to be correct, apparently. I'm afraid of being wrong. Ever.

Why the HELL does every single theater class I have turn into a therapy session? Goddamn. I actually find it kind of funny. It's also extremely uncomfortable.

I also have many predispositions of people when walking into the class. "Is it okay to approach this person? What will they think of me? OH GOD." I really need to get over it and let go. REALLY. It's going to hinder my artistic development on so many levels.

I hope that at the end of this class, I can gladly say that I am beyond that. That IS what the class is about.

And ballet? Don't even get me started.

In terms of everything else? Friends? Great. Love life? I've got killer butterflies. I'm nervewracked too, not sure where to go. I don't even remember. Also, first time I've considered getting into a relationship with a girl, so....I'm a little baffled and confused, but it already feels better than my most recent relationships/dating/whateverthehellitis with boys. I am kinda sad about moving away, now that things are coming into development, but I think that this is a sign. This is going to influence and change me somehow and I will learn something.

And it just feels REAAAAAAL good.

Here's a sample from my portfolio. I need to draw again. The inspiration is coming back.

Rien mais un beau reve...

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